A downloadable game for Windows

Welcome to simple fighter, my own spinoff to games such as scrolling battels and other offline shooters.

Simple fighter is just your usual hack and slash shooter, but with a pleasant twist to make it seem more enjoyable for others to play. In this game, your objective is to survive endless hoards of enemies and other surprises that may come your way the higher you progress. I figured since there were a million other titles out there, I thought, why not make my own version of it for the hell of it? Don't ask me why I called it the way it is. I couldn't come up with a better name for what to call this thing, so here we are.

This game has the following features:

The ability to play different game modes.

The ability to level up and gain experience.

The ability to upgrade your stats with level up points.

The ability to make maps of varying difficulty.

The ability to add environmental effects such as HRTF and reverb to your map to further unleash your creativity and design.

Last but not least, the ability to make your own sounds to add to the game. These include, but are not limited to, characters, equipments such as items, shields, weapons ec, footsteps including walls, NPC such as animals, enemies, projectiles ec, objects such as doors, hazards, spikes, teleporters, vehicles ec, and UI sounds such as menus, typing themes, miscellaneous SFX ec.

Updated 1 day ago
Published 3 days ago
StatusIn development
AuthorTony Satriano
GenreFighting, Survival


simple fighter.7z 12 MB
sounds.7z 893 MB

Install instructions

Download simpel fighter.zip. Extract the zip file into any directory you please.

After you've extracted and placed the files accordingly, launch game.exe, and you're good to go!

This game provides you minimal amount of sounds to get you going. If you want any of the other sounds discussed earlier, visit my mods for simple fighter page. There you will find mods for various events performed in the game, such as walking on a map, fighting enemies, and other user interface sounds.

Enjoy, and happy playing!